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Dionex IonPac AS22-Fast 阴离子交换柱



Dionex IonPac AS22-Fast 阴离子交换柱
专为符合美国 EPA 方法 300.0 (A) 的无机阴离子合规监测而设计,且结合了 Dionex IonPac AS22 柱的选择性和超快分离时间。



Dionex IonPac AS22-Fast 阴离子交换柱

Thermo Scientific? Dionex? IonPac? AS22-Fast 柱专为符合美国 EPA 方法 300.0 (A) 的无机阴离子合规监测而设计,且结合了 Dionex IonPac AS22 柱的选择性和超快分离时间。 利用 Dionex IonPac AS22-Fast 柱,您可以快速、轻松地分离多种样品基质(包括饮用水、废水、工艺液流和洗涤液)中的常见无机阴离子。





  • 按照美国 EPA 方法 300.0 (A) 所述,对饮用水中的常见阴离子进行合规监测

  • 在 5 分钟内对各种基质(如饮用水、地表水、地下水和废水)中的常见无机阴离子进行超快速等度分离

  • 即使使用短柱,容量仍足以维持分辨率,从而有助于实验室实现更高的生产率并增加通量

  • 碳酸盐峰与常见无机阴离子峰之间的出色分辨率

  • 使用碳酸盐/碳酸氢盐淋洗液,是 Dionex IonPac AS4A-SC、AS12A、AS14、AS14A 和 AS22 无机阴离子应用的更快替代选项。

  • 溶剂兼容性让您在分析含有疏水成分的样品后方便地进行柱清洗。


  • 4x150mm、2x150mm 分析柱

  • 4x30mm、2x30mm 保护柱

  • 较短的 150 mm 柱可实现相对干净基质的更快处理

  • 更小柱内径,提高质量灵敏度,节省洗脱液和试剂,并且降低运行成本

注: 要实现简单准确的洗脱液制备,请使用 Dionex IonPac AS22 浓缩洗脱液。



Dionex IonPac AS22-Fast 阴离子交换柱


IonPac AS22-Fast Analytical Column (4 x 150 mm)079936
IonPac AS22-Fast Analytical Column (2 x 150 mm)079937
IonPac AG22-Fast Guard Column (2 x 30 mm)072785
IonPac AG22-Fast Guard Column (4 x 30 mm)072784
Anion   Eluent Concentrates
AS22 Eluent Concentrate (100x), 250 mL063965




Super Fast Analysis of Common Inorganic Anions

Designed specifically for compliance monitoring of inorganic anions in accordance with US EPA Method 300.0 (A) and 300.1, the IonPac? AS22-Fast represents the culmination of more than 20 years of column development, and is a key complement to our award-winning Reagent-Free? IC system.

  • Super-Fast isocratic separation of the common inorganic anions in under 5 minutes

  • Carbonate peak well-resolved from the common inorganic anions

  • Same selectivity as AS22 column

  • Meets performance requirements specified in US EPA Method 300.0 (A)

  • Fast alternative for AS4A-SC, AS12A, AS14, AS14A, and AS22 inorganic anion applications

  • Simple, accurate eluent preparation with the AS22 Eluent Concentrate

  • Optimized for a 30 °C operating temperature to ensure reproducible retention times

The AS22-Fast is designed for the fast determination of inorganic anions and low molecular weight organic acids including fluoride, acetate, formate, chloride, nitrite, bromide, nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate. The AS22-Fast can be used with isocratic carbonate/bicarbonate eluents and suppressed conductivity detection. Common inorganic anions can easily be separated in a variety of sample matrices including drinking water, wastewater, process streams, and scrubber solutions. 

The AS22-Fast can be used in combination with the Eluent Generator and the Electrolytic pH Modifier (EPM) which automatically produce potassium carbonate/bicarbonate eluents from water. The AS22-Fast column is the newest carbonate eluent column recommended for super fast analysis of inorganic anions and is a faster alternative, using carbonate-bicarbonate eluents, for AS4A-SC, AS12A, AS14, AS14A, and AS22 inorganic anion applications.

Note: Use the Anion Self-Regenerating Suppressor (ASRS? 300) with the AS22-Fast column for eluent suppression.

IonPac AS22-Fast Anion-Exchange Column Specifications
Substrate Characteristics:Bead Diameter and Pore Size:
6.5 μm (2 x 150 and 4 x 150 mm);
super macroporous resin (2000 ?)
11 μm (2 x 30 and 4 x 30 mm);
microporous resin (<1 ?)
Cross-linking (%DVB): 55%
Ion Exchange Group:Functional Group: Alkanol quaternary ammonium ion
Functional Group Characteristics:Ultralow hydrophobicity
Column Construction:PEEK? with 10-32 threaded ferrule style end fittings. All components are nonmetallic.
Capacity:31.5 μeq (2 x 150 mm analytical column)
126 μeq (4 x 150 mm analytical column)
1 μeq* (2 x 30 mm guard column)
4 μeq* (4 x 30 mm guard column)
*Guards are packed with a low-capacity microporous resin.
Dimensions:IonPac AS22-Fast Analytical Column:
2 x 150 mm and 4 x 150 mm
IonPac AG22-Fast Guard Column:
2 x 30 mm and 4 x 30 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:3000 psi
Mobile Phase Compatibility:pH 0–14; 0–100% HPLC solvents


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